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K-pop Stars Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon Sentenced for Gang Rape

Beyonder | Published on the sat Nov 30, 2019 4:38 am | 220 Views

A South Korean court has sentenced K-pop stars Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon to six and five years in prison for gang raping drunk unconscious women.

Jung was also charged with filming the assault and distributing the footage.

The men will have to do 80 hours of sexual violence treatment courses and are banned from working with children.

The case is one of several sex and abuse scandals that have rocked the K-pop world in recent years.

Judge Kang Seong-soo said that Jung Joon-Young, age 30, had raped numerous women who were "drunk and unable to resist, filmed them nude and having sex, then spread it on a group chat".

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